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Ballot Statement of Zein Obagi Jr. 


In 2012, I helped Redondo Beach fight the pollution and blight a new power plant would bring.  We won, but there is still much work to be done.  We can remove that industrial eyesore, clear the towering power lines along 190th, and greatly increase the beauty and property values of our city.


I decided to run for city council because I believe we can do better.  Artesia Blvd. is an important gateway to Redondo Beach.  It should be a vibrant and successful part of our city. 


A prosperous business corridor can generate revenue to improve our quality of life and prevent placing a greater tax burden on our residents.


As a small business owner, I understand the challenges local businesses are facing.  As a new father, I want to make sure Redondo Beach has state-of-the-art public safety and is an even better place to raise a family.


I obtained a Juris Doctorate from the University of Southern California.  I serve on the Los Angeles County Bar Association, where I have been a leader in helping women in the legal profession. 


I’m committed to making Redondo Beach the best it can be, and I would be honored to have your vote.

Re-Elect Obagi for City Council 2025, ID# 1470861

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